Reload logging: defining all log files.

  • 7019966
  • 06-Oct-2008
  • 29-Aug-2017


Reload (all version)


What are all the reload log files, and the differences.


Reload has several log files; Agent.log, Event.log, Error.log, Monitor.log, Daemon.log, Diagnostics.log, <profile>.profile.test.log, and all of the specific profile log files. (each log has a link to a tid about that log)

EVENT.LOG = High level, or general logging.

AGENT.LOG = Detailed log file of all Reload activity. ERROR.LOG = Error state reported to the system.  The error that occured and its time stamp MONITOR.LOG = Reload version and build, license information, profile names, Groupwise agent version, and other general reload configuration information. DAEMON.LOG = Checks for jobs, generating diagnostic log, and the support ( log file. DIAGNOSTIC.LOG = Server statistics like kernel version, disk space, processor, memory, nic, resolv.cfg, hosts, and fstab.

<profile>.EVENT.LOG =  Contains almost all of the data that is in the event.log that is specific to the profile.

<profile>.AGENT.LOG =  Contains almost all of the data that is in the agent.log that is specific to the profile.

*.TEST.LOG = test connectivity, rights, enables profile, and lists what OS the GroupWise is installed on.


Additional Information

This article was originally published in the GWAVA knowledgebase as article ID 459.