rcgwavaman throwing substring expression error

  • 7019080
  • 24-Oct-2016
  • 07-Aug-2017


Suse Linux Enterprise Server (11)


Running "rcgwavaman" from a specific folder is throwing an error:

gwava6:/ # rcgwavaman status

/sbin/rcgwavaman: line 205: $: substring expression < 0


The problem is that an empty file with 0 bytes called "a" existed in the folder from which rcgwavaman was run.
A similar problem would also occur if the file would have a different single letter as file name.

To fix the problem either remove the file or rename it to something with more than one letter.
Afterwards it should be possible to run rcgwavaman correctly from that folder again.

Additional Information

This article was originally published in the GWAVA knowledgebase as article ID 2875.