RetainInstallExpress A Step-By-Step Guide

  • 7020776
  • 02-Jun-2016
  • 07-Aug-2017


Retain 4.x


How do I install RetainInstallExpress?


RetainInstallExpress is a 30-day full functionality demo of Retain. It is not built for production use, but is excellent for Proof of Concept to integrate Retain into your network. The Express install will also give you a solid foundation for a production install of Retain. This document shows how on Linux. On Windows it is the same except for the pretty dialog boxes.


  • At least 12GB of RAM
  • At least 30GB of disk free
  • Internet connection for downloading additional software
  • Linux only: Set execute permissions for scripts in the Retain install directory (chmod +x *.sh)
  • You will need to install a HTTP server on the test server:

Run the installer:

  • Linux: Run "./"
  • Windows: Double Click on "RetainInstallExpress.exe"

You'll be asked to Agree to the EULA.

The installer will download and install java, and MySQL.

You will have to provide three passwords for the required users: MySQL root, MySQL retain, Retain admin.

Once the installer is done you can access Retain by browsing to http://localhost/RetainServer on the server itself or http://[address of server]/RetainServer

After logging in you will see a screen like this:

Set up Reporting and Monitoring.

Then you will need to setup a module so Retain can connect to your email system:

Finally, you will need to setup a job so Retain can begin archiving

Further Reading:

Additional Information

This article was originally published in the GWAVA knowledgebase as article ID 2806.