How To Disable Alerts for Cyren (Signature Engine)

  • 7019617
  • 01-Apr-2014
  • 07-Aug-2017




I would like to turn off the CT (Signature Engine) alerts, how do I do that.


To disable alerts coming from the signature engine, do the following:

1) Edit services.conf located in /opt/beginfinite/gwava/assets/conf

2) Change the arguments line for gwavaman to: arguments  ! /root=/opt/beginfinite/gwava,/supporttools (we are only adding /supporttools at the end of the row, there is not space before the switch).

3) Stop and restart GWAVA.
For Linux:
1) Type from a prompt: rcgwavaman stop
2) Then: rcgwavaman status
3) Once everything is down type: rcgwavaman start

For Windows:
Click Here

4) Log in to the Management web page.

5) Go to System Management | advanced - you should now see a 'support tools' folder

6) Under 'support tools' go to 'Internal settings editor' and check the box next to 'Disable email notification on failure to connect to definition server alert'

7) Save changes.

8) Stop and restart GWAVA.

Additional Information

This article was originally published in the GWAVA knowledgebase as article ID 2274.