How to uninstall GWAVA4 on NetWare

  • 7020538
  • 11-Nov-2009
  • 07-Aug-2017


NetWare, GWAVA4


How to uninstall GWAVA4 when running on NetWare.


1) shutdown GWAVA4 by typing


2) Unload the remaining components of GWAVA4 by typing these series of commands

unload gwavavsa
unload address space=gkav
unload gwavakav
unload kavlib

3) shutdown the Kaspersky updater by first finding it's java ID by typing

java -show

You'll see a list of processes followed by their corresponding ID.  The Kaspersky updater will be named ukav.start.  For example on my system:

After locating the ID of ukav.start, shut it down by typing:

java -kill(ID number)

For example on my system I would type:

4) Remove GWAVA from starting up.  Edit your autoexec file by typing:


Scroll to the bottom and you should see two lines that start GWAVA.  The first is a search path and the second is the command to start GWAVA.  You'll need to delete both lines.  Below is how it looks on my system:

5) You can finally go ahead and delete the GWAVA4 directory from your server to complete the uninstall process.


Additional Information

This article was originally published in the GWAVA knowledgebase as article ID 1538.